Summer 2024 featured articles: Juvenile justice intervention in cases of school violence; Interview with Robert Pogue Harrison; The influence of Instagram in the construction of student identity

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Summer 2024 featured articles

AYORA MASCARELL, L. y REYES BLANCH, A., 2024. La intervención desde Justicia Juvenil en casos de violencias escolares. Ambits de psicopedagogia i orientació, no. 60, ISSN 2339-7454

In the school context, violent behavior occurs among adolescents, addressed by the educational community through different interventions. Sometimes, victims file a complaint and resort to the criminal justice system. If the reported students are between 14 and 17 years old at the time of the incidents, the intervention is carried out through the Juvenile Justice system, regulated by the Organic Law 5/2000 on Criminal Responsibility of Minors (LORPM). This law holds young people accountable, taking into account their developmental stage, and provides appropriate educational responses to their age, including the possibility of reparation to the victim. The article explains in detail the process that a complaint follows, and the interventions that are carried out with the aggressors and victims, whether a judicial measure is imposed on them or whether they participate in a restorative justice process. It also addresses the specificities observed in juvenile justice in cases of school violence, related to the adolescents involved and the type of crime, which are exemplified through three cases, analyzing the aspects that hinder or facilitate the approach. Finally, some proposals are made to improve the intervention of all areas involved in the prevention and treatment of violence in the school environment.

GUINART, P., 2024. Entrevista a Robert Pogue Harrison. El Observatorio Social - Fundación «la Caixa»

Robert Pogue Harrison (Smyrna, 1954) is Professor of Cultural Studies at Stanford University and head of the Department of French and Italian. The idea of youth is one of his intellectual concerns and permeates all his work. He has compiled these reflections in a book, Juvenescence (2014), in which he takes a philosophical journey through the entire Western tradition in search of perenniality. His Entitled Opinions program is a classic of the humanities in the United States; authors such as Richard Rorty, René Girard, Michel Serres, Orhan Pamuk and Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht have passed through it. In this interview Robert Pogue Harrison examines the concept of youth from the point of view of philosophy and cultural studies.

RODRÍGUEZ SAN SEGUNDO, C., 2023. La influencia de Instagram en la construcción identitaria del estudiante universitario dentro de la sociedad del espectáculo y el simulacro. Universidad de Salamanca

Individuals and society, as constantly interacting elements, mutually and reciprocally influence each other, shaping not only individual or group cognitions and behaviors, but also the very structures of identity. The dialogical nature of the new identity is reinforced in this prevailing liquid life that permeates everything and gives rise to fragmented, diffuse, volatile identities trained for the spectacle led by digital social networks. In this scenario, young people who are in the process of constructing and consolidating their identities must confront a set of rules dictated by the essential characteristics of this new social functioning and its consequences. Instagram, as one of the leading platforms in terms of popularity, exerts a strong objectification of identity and is associated with specific dynamics related to the processes of self-concept construction, reconstruction, and disturbances in self-esteem. The general objective of this study is to provide an understanding of how students from the University of Salamanca perceive this social network, focusing on these socio-educational and relational practices described. For this purpose, a descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 311 subjects, using a self-designed data collection instrument. The results showed that the students in the sample highlighted low levels of sincerity, high levels of perceived comparison, and perceived harm, as well as significant differences in the results based on gender. These findings, in addition to bringing us closer to the reality of social networks, allow us to reaffirm that what happens on these platforms, characterized by theatricality and fiction, has true effects on the internal structures of individuals. This initial revelation serves as a starting point for educational work, both in its practical and research aspects.