Articles of interest. 2022
- Featured articles in December: Roma youth navigating aspirational dilemmas; addressing the trans phenomenon in childhood and adolescence; problems generated by the use of mobile phones and bullying at schools
Featured articles in November: alternative education or second-chance schools; digital games beyond disciplinary and surveillance logics; economic crisis and skilled emigration
- Featured articles in October: Youth participation in urban environments; Narrative therapy as an intervention approach with young victims of child sexual abuse; The weakening of peer-group bonding among adolescents institutionalised in residential care facilities
Featured articles in September: preventing cannabis use; bioethical issues in the health care of transgender minors; transition to adulthood of young people leaving residential care
Summer spotlight articles: overview of self-medication in higher education students; the 21st century school; the challenge of educating for privacy in a hyper-connected world
- June's featured articles: youth audiovisual communication practices; ARRAKASTA programa; Trans* realities in adolescence
- May's featured articles: the internationalisation of the German Dual Vocational Training System; people with high abilities; the use of Instagram as a pedagogical tool in Secondary Education
April's featured articles: drugs, complicity and belonging; on imposing the gender system and transphobia; improving the social skills of at-risk adolescents through European youth exchanges
March's featured articles: responsible use of social networks; emotional wellbeing of immigrant and refugee children; teacher training on gender-based violence
- February's featured articles: Looking into adolescence through graphic novels; Educational Work in Lonjas; the residential emancipation of young Spaniards
January's featured articles: physical education, essential for pupils with special educational needs; theatrical performance to prevent microsexist violence; anti-selfies as a reflective trigger in teacher training
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