Training courses organized by the Basque Youth Observatory
Emotional self-care skills for people working with adolescents and young people: how to manage anxiety.
Date: 24 and 31 March,and 7 April.
Place: El Campillo Civic Centre. Calle Santa Maria, 4 A. Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Language: Spanish, promoting the use of Basque.Each participant will be able to choose the language in which he/she will intervene.
Teachers: Ernesto Gutierrez Crespo, psychologist and pedagogue. President of the Basque Psychopedagogy Association and collaborating lecturer at the University of Deusto and the Basque Country.
Suicide prevention: Gatekeeper level 1 programme.
Date: 6 and 13 May.
Place: El Campillo Civic Centre. Calle Santa Maria, 4 A. Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Language: Basque.
Teachers: Jon García-Ormaza. Psychiatrist at Osakidetza; head of suicide research at the Bizkaia Mental Health Network; member of the Biobizkaia Mental Health research group; Doctor in Neurosciences and associate lecturer in the Department of Neurosciences at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Alexander Muela, PhD in Psychology and lecturer in the Faculty of Psychology at the UPV/EHU. He has participated in several research projects related to suicide prevention and has published several papers related to this field of research.
Experiential workshop and shared reflection: challenges of working on masculinity with adolescents.Strategies and pedagogical resources.
Date: 7, 14, 21 and 28 October.
Place: El Campillo Civic Centre. Calle Santa Maria, 4 A. Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Language: Spanish, promoting the use of Basque.Each participant will be able to choose the language in which he/she will speak.
Teachers: Juan Manuel Feito Guerrero, social educator and member of ‘Piper Txuriak’, an association of men for equality.
Workshop on bullying and cyberbullying: practical cases.
Date: 12, 19 and 26 November.
Place: El Campillo Civic Centre. Calle Santa Maria, 4 A. Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Language: Spanish.
Teachers: Saioa Magunazelaia González. Health and educational psychologist. Systemic trauma therapist, mediator and trainer.
Substance and behavioural addictions.
Date: 5, 12 and 19 February.
Place: OVJ headquarters, Huertas de la Villa, 11, bajo. Bilbao.
Language: Basque.
Teachers: Estibaliz Ansotegi Guruziaga, graduate in Psychology and coordinator of the Ortzadar health and addiction prevention programme.
Knowing, accepting and enjoying our bodies as a basis for good relationships .
Date: 12, 19 and 26 March.
Place: OVJ headquarters, Huertas de la Villa, 11, bajo.Bilbao.
Language: Spanish.
Teachers: Maider García de Vicuña Quintana, sexologist and psychologist; and Miren Lopez de Arregi Lakuntza, sexologist and social worker at EMAIZE Sexología Zentroa Sexology Centre.
Digital technology and mental health: how to weave a network of digital wellbeing and health in society and, in particular, in adolescents.
Date: 2 and 9 April.
Place: OVJ headquarters, Huertas de la Villa, 11, bajo.Bilbao.
Language: Basque.
Teachers: Maitane Ormazabal Esnaola. Health psychologist and psychotherapist. Member of the external expert committee of the Ministry of Childhood and Youth.
Suicide prevention: Gatekeeper level 1 programme.
Date: 7 and 14 May.
Place: OVJ headquarters, Huertas de la Villa, 11, bajo. Bilbao.
Language: Basque.
Teachers: Jon García-Ormaza. Psychiatrist at Osakidetza; head of suicide research at the Bizkaia Mental Health Network; member of the Biobizkaia Mental Health research group; Doctor in Neurosciences and associate lecturer in the Department of Neurosciences at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Alexander Muela, PhD in Psychology and lecturer in the Faculty of Psychology at the UPV/EHU. He has participated in several research projects related to suicide prevention and has published several papers related to this field of research.
Workshop on bullying and cyberbullying: case studies.
Date: 11, 18 and 25 November.
Place: OVJ headquarters, Huertas de la Villa, 11, bajo. Bilbao.
Language: Basque.
Teachers: Sara González Muro, psychologist, psychotherapist, mediator and trainer.
Teachers: Maitane Ormazabal Esnaola. Health psychologist and psychotherapist. Member of the external expert committee of the Ministry of Childhood and Youth.
Teachers: Jon García-Ormaza. Psychiatrist at Osakidetza; head of suicide research at the Bizkaia Mental Health Network; member of the Biobizkaia Mental Health research group; Doctor in Neurosciences and associate lecturer in the Department of Neurosciences at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Alexander Muela, PhD in Psychology and lecturer in the Faculty of Psychology at the UPV/EHU. He has participated in several research projects related to suicide prevention and has published several papers related to this field of research.
Experiential workshop and shared reflection: challenges of working on masculinity with adolescents.Strategies and pedagogical resources.