Research and Publications
1.- In chronological order:
>> 2024
The cost of residential emancipation in the Basque Country 2023, available in Basque and Spanish.
Basque youth in the labour market. Analysis of the Labour Market Census 2023, available in Basque and Spanish.
Diagnosis of the situation of young people in the Basque Country 2024, available in Basque and Spanish
Youth, emancipation and housing need in Euskadi 2023, available in Basque and Spanish
Indicadores de juventud 2023 (Youth Indicators 2023) available in Basque language and Spanish
Youth Portraits 26 (2023) Available in Basque language and Spanish
Juventud y ocio. Hábitos y aficiones de la juventud de Euskadi en relación al deporte, la lectura y la música en 2023. Available in Basque language and Spanish
Juventud y redes sociales. Hábitos de uso de la juventud de Euskadi en 2023. Available in Basque language and Spanish
Aurrera Begira 2023. Youth Expectation Indicators. Available in Basque language and Spanish
El coste de la emancipación residencial en Euskadi 2022. Available in Basque language and Spanish
Pact of, with and for young people in the Basque Country. Available in Basque language and Spanish
>> Previous years
2.- Classified by collections
3.- Collecting youth opinions and attitudes: statistical data analysis
4.- Gazte.doc - Newsletter
- You can contact us at the following email address