Youth Policy: Areas of activity: Emancipation
1.- ¿What do we understand by youth emancipation?
Youth emancipation is understood as the full integration of young people in society, which may enable them to start to map out their own lives independently.
2.- Measures aimed at promoting the emancipation of young people
Effective measures for promoting youth emancipation deal with the following areas of activity, according to the demands and needs that have been diagnosed:
- The promotion of a coordinated policy aimed at creating and maintaining employment for young people and an improvement in the quality of youth employment, as well as encouraging the development of the concept of long-term training throughout life.
- Education in values and encouragement of student participation in schools.
- The promotion of access on the part of young people to housing.
- The coordinated promotion of healthy lifestyles among young people.
- Prevention and social intervention regarding the marginalization of young people.
- The promotion of youth associationism and participatory leisure.
- Support for cultural activity among youth in its different phases.
- The promotion of standardization in terms of the use of Euskera (the Basque language) in each of the areas of activity referred to in this article, and the promotion of the use of Euskera in the range of activities and programmes available to young people.
- The promotion of youth mobility.
- The encouraging of participation in sports and fair play among youth.
- Inclusion of the youth standpoint in transversal planning and activities regarding the promotion of equality among men and women, in addition to the prevention and elimination of violence against women, Euskera, immigration, new technologies, the information society, economic promotion, culture, the rural milieu, consumption, town planning and the environment, as well as the promotion of values in society. Those young people who find themselves in a situation of inequality will also be taken into account when devising these measures, in order to provide activities and instruments to eliminate such situations.
3.- Annual programming and assessment
Every year, each department draws up its own programmes of positive action and specifies the financial resources it intends to set aside for putting each of the measures into practice which, in the course of developing the relevant strategic plan, are programmed on an annual basis. Once each budgetary year has ended, each department assesses these in accordance with the criteria included in the Manual for the Programming and Assessment of Youth Plans and Programmes, so that this may then be approved by the Governing Council.
1.- 5th Basque Government Youth Plan 2022-2026. Full report available in Basque language and Spanish
- 2023:
- Operational Plan, 2023 programming of the V Youth Plan of the Basque Government Available in Basque language and Spanish
- 2022:
- Annual monitoring evaluation of the Basque Government Youth Plan: Report 2022. Available in Basque language and Spanish
- Programming for 2022 (available in Spanish). It is framed within the structure of the IV Youth Plan during the elaboration of the V Youth Plan.
2.-4th Basque Government Youth Plan 2018-2021
- 2021:
- Final evaluation of the IV Youth Plan 2018-2021. Available in Basque language and Spanish
- 2021 operational plan (available in Basque language and Spanish). List of actions in the 2021 programme of the IV Gazte Plana (available in Basque language and Spanish).
- 2020:
- 2020 operational plan (available in Basque language and Spanish). Document presented at the Interdepartmental Commission of the IV Young Plan of the GV, held on 03-03-2020. Executive Summary (available in Basque language and Spanish)
- Annual monitoring evaluation of the Basque Government's Youth Plan 2020 (available in Basque language and Spanish).
- List of 2020 evaluation actions of the IV Gazte Plana (available in Basque language and Spanish).
- 2019:
- Programming (available in Spanish and Basque language)
- Annual monitoring evaluation of the Basque Government Youth Plan (available in Basque language and Spanish) and executive summary (available in Basque language and Spanish / List of action sheets (available in Basque language and Spanish)
- 2018:
- Borrador de la Programación de acciones del IV Gazte Plana para el 2018 / Assessment (available in Spanish and Basque language)
Number of actions and programmed budget per year
This is the forecast made by the different entities for each year. The results of this forecast are included in the corresponding annual monitoring report.
- 2018 (available in Basque and Spanish)
- 2019 (available in Basque and Spanish)
- 2020 (available in Basque and Spanish)
- 2021 (available in Basque and Spanish)
All the documentation of the stages prior to the IV Basque Government Youth Plan: programmes, evaluations, transitional measures, available in Basque and Spanish at the following addresses:
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