Call for entities to present projects for the 'Auzolandegiak' 2022 programme

This call is aimed at public and private non-profit entities in the Basque Country.

Entities interested may present any type of project in relation to the work that the volunteers must perform (environment, archaeology, reconstruction, social work, theatre, art, recovering heritage...). The said entities must take into account that the object of the "Auzolandegiak" programme for work camps is to encourage cultural exchanges and the co-existence of young people from different origins and cultures through voluntary work projects that will improve the community where the camp is located, i.e., the execution of tasks with a social dimension.

  • Order of 19 November 2021 (Basque Country Official Gazette of  1 December 2021). Available in Basque language and Spanish
  • Applications may be submitted from the day after the publication of this Order in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country until 14 January 2022