Featured articles from the OVJ documentation center: Social networks and the addiction to Likes in generation Z; Drug use and violence in adolescents; Bullying and family attachment: the perspective of the bullying student

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Revista de Comunicación y Salud: RCyS

MARTÍN CRITIKIÁN, D. and MEDINA NÚÑEZ, M., 2021. Social networks and the addiction to “Likes” in generation Z. Revista de Comunicación y Salud: RCyS, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 55-76. ISSN 2173-1675

Psychologists and experts in the field of technology have been warning for some time that the frequent and continued use of social media can result in addiction, which, in turn, could lead to anxiety, emotional dependence, loss of motivation, lack of self-control, and irritability. A study conducted by the Chicago Booth School of Business (2012) indicated that social media are even more addictive than tobacco because, among other reasons, accessing these platforms is easy and free of charge. The main objective of this study is to analyse the importance and impact of “Likes” in generation Z, as well as to study the social context of social media and investigate whether and how the “Likes” affect this generation. This research has been carried out, on the one hand, through the review of literature on social media and the use that young people make of them, identifying their favourites, how much time they spend on them, and the implications they have on the human brain. On the other hand, a field study was conducted in Spain on a sample of 500 young people aged 18 to 26 (Generation Z) to find out how they use social media and analyse the impact that “Likes” have on them. Among the main findings, we can highlight that they use social media for more than three hours a day and that Instagram and WhatsApp are the favourite networks for this generation. While some people in this social group report feeling sad, insecure and angry if they do not receive the expected response (translated into “Likes” or comments) they do not alter or adapt the type of content they share publicly based on the number of “Likes” they may get. Finally, despite saying that they do not attach much importance to the feedback they receive, they tend to activate their notifications on social media to keep abreast of possible interactions.

University of Almería

SIMÓN MÁRQUEZ, M. del M., 2020. Analysis of drug use and violence in adolescents and risk factors. University of Almería 

Adolescence is considered a stage of development characterised by psychological, biological and social changes and determined by the search for sensations and the acquisition of new knowledge. This stage is particularly interesting due to an incipient increase in risk behaviours, such as substance abuse and violent behaviour, which is reinforced by the frequent use of social media by adolescents, who use this medium to display attitudes that favour and encourage this type of behaviour.

The transition from primary to secondary education is a process that produces high levels of stress and anxiety among adolescents due to the increased academic workload and the level of demand required by schools and the family, which can lead to academic burnout and to a decrease in the wellbeing of students at school. Academic burnout is defined as a state of emotional exhaustion with a propensity for depersonalisation, which involves a decrease in academic performance generated by the pressure to which they are subjected and by academic overload, which leads adolescents to decrease their motivation to study, experience feelings of failure if they do not meet academic expectations, and resort to alcohol consumption as a strategy to cope with exhaustion. Indeed, academic burnout is characterised by the presence of three subdimensions, emotional exhaustion, cynicism and academic ineffectiveness. Therefore, it is essential to know and determine the risk and protective factors associated with these types of behaviours to minimise them.

Several studies have examined academic engagement as a protective factor against the incipient increase in academic burnout rates and, consequently, against alcohol consumption and violent behaviour. Academic engagement implies the active participation and learning absorption of adolescents in their studies to improve their performance and adaptation to the academic context. Academic engagement is described as a state of three-dimensional psychological well-being: vigour, dedication, and learning absorption.

By means of this doctoral thesis, we proposed to achieve three fundamental goals to gain in-depth knowledge of risk behaviours in adolescents, as well as their relationship with academic burnout and engagement.

Educatio siglo XXIURRESTI PADRÓN, I., FELICIANO GARCÍA, L. and SANTANA VEGA, L.E., 2021. Educatio siglo XXI: Revista de la Facultad de Educación, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 325-344. ISSN 1989-466X, 1699-2105

Bullying is a worldwide phenomenon and is a major concern in education systems in both developed and developing countries. This study analyses: the differences in the aggression profile of students in Compulsory Secondary Education based on personal, academic and family variables; and the differences in the assessment of the severity of aggressive behaviours according to the aggression profile of the students. A total of 215 Compulsory Secondary Education students from two schools in Tenerife participated in the research. A questionnaire was designed to collect data. It covered students' levels of aggression, the quality of students' relationships with their parents, and the severity attributed by students to situations of aggression. The results showed that the highest aggression scores were found in: males; repeaters; those whose parents have a lower level of education; those who have a higher feeling of estrangement from their fathers and mothers; and those who have a lower level of trust in their fathers. Students who display higher levels of aggression tend to value aggressive behaviours as less serious than those who show lower levels of aggression. It is concluded that certain socio-familial characteristics in youth, such as trust in parents and the feeling of integration with both parents, act as protective factors against bullying.

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