Training projects. 2013  

> Assessment (pdf, 26 kb)

Course: 'Practical entrepreneuring resources'' 

Bilbao: at the OVJ headquarters, on the 6th and 13th November 2013

Course: 'Prevention of sexism in social networks'' 

Bilbao: at the OVJ headquarters, on the 10th and 11th October 2013

Course: '''Young pople and their relationship with drug use'' 

> Interview with Janire Gazopo (pdf, 21 kb)

> Assessment (pdf, 16 kb)

Donostia: CRAJ, Anoeta 28, on the 18th and 25th of June 2013

Bilbao: at the OVJ headquarters, on the 4th and 11th of June 2013

Course: ''Sortu zure Ikasketa Ingurune Pertsonala (PLE)!'  

The course will be held in:

San Sebastián: at the IVAP headquarters. 12th and 19th April 2013

Bilbao: Berritzegune de Txurdinaga, 3rd and 10th May 2013

Course: 'New challenges in the care of youth sexuality'  

The course will be held in Bilbao, at the OVJ headquarters, on 5th, 12th and 19th March 2013


Course: "'How to combat immigration-related prejudice and rumours based on educational activities with young people?"  

The course will be held in Bilbao, at the OVJ headquarters, on 29th, 30th and 31st January, 2013


Fecha de la última modificación: 13/01/2016