Reading guide: 'Creativity and Groupwork Techniques'

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Reading guide: Creativity and Groupwork Techniques

Web and video references


'Neuronilla'. Web with several resources and services related to the development of business, personal and educational creativity: 

Charla TedX de Franc Ponti

'Charla TedX de Franc Ponti'. Explanation of how creative thinking works and interesting insight into the types of creative people:

Duncan Wardle

'Duncan Wardle'. Head of innovation and creativity at Disney. In this talk, he explains the importance of divergence in creative processes:

Francisco Lorenzo

Francisco Lorenzo. 'Adults who loved to play'. TedX talk in which he relates the importance of play in the development of creative capacity:

Recommended bibliography

  • El pensamiento lateral (by Edward de Bono). Explanation of the concept of lateral intelligence and creativity and didactic approaches on how to develop them. ISBN: 9788449334092
  • ThinkerToys: cómo desarrollar la creatividad en la empresa (by Michael Michalko). Techniques for enhancing creative development in multi-sector business environments. ISBN: 84-8088-599-8
  • Escuelas creativas: La revolución que está transformando la educación (by Ken Robinson). Ken Robinson was an international consultant in the field of education and a reference in educational development in this sector. In this book, he offers "different" solutions for a necessary transformation in global education. ISBN: 9788466335041
  • Seis sombreros para pensar (by Edward de Bono). Description of a revolutionary and increasingly widespread method for developing the creative process in any field. ISBN: 9788449323072

Creative Resources

Dixit Dixit: a game that allows the development of imagination and creativity by applying narrative development techniques and image association. 
Imagine Imagine: a board game that allows the development of the creative convergence technique using the freedom to join different images to represent different concepts.
Código Secreto Código Secreto: in this game, one of the main characteristics of creativity is assimilated and developed in a very powerful way: the ability to relate concepts and ideas that are apparently unconnected.
Inteligencia Lateral Inteligencia Lateral: various enigmas that allow the development of different skills related to creativity through quick-solving exercises: 
Historias pensamiento creativo: free worksheets to organise creative development activities for young people, teenagers and adults:

Creativity and Groupwork Techniques