Articles of interest. 2021
- December: Needs of Adolescents in Residential Therapeutic Care; Digital Neurocommunication as an Awareness-Raising Tool for Suicide Prevention; Mapping Media Consumption among Young People
- November: girls' career choices in STEM; public policies for NEETs' employability; the use of Instagram
- October: suicide, a preventable social problem; perceived general self-efficacy and motivation to learn; digital creativity to transform learning
- September: pornography and sex education; secondary school students facing fake news; cyberbulling in a university context
- Summer: Social networks and the addiction to “Likes” in generation Z; Drug use and violence in adolescents; Bullying and family attachment: the perspective of the bullying student
- June: Male infantilisation; Contributions of the Scout method in the training of young people; role of the social educator in the accompaniment of people with intellectual disabilities
- May: effects of divorce on the custodial and non-custodial parent; introduce gender mainstreaming into university education; how pornography influences young people's sexual imagination
- April: Transitions of young NEETs in a context of socio-economic crisis; Alternative Masculinities; Young people facing cyberhate
- March: Vulnerability to Sexual Abuse; the Perception of Women in Science Education; Educational Measures with Juvenile Offenders
- February: Emotional Education in the Family; Concern Associated with the Discovery of Sexual Orientation; Aggressive Behaviour in Adolescent and Youth Relationships
- January: Death and Mourning in School: Making Room for Life; Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and COVID-19; Rebuilding Apprentice Identity in Vocational Training
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