The Basque Youth Observatory is organising a course titled “Pornography and Education: A Comprehensive Approach to a Global Problem”. The course will be prepared and given by Raúl Marcos Estrada, sexologist and psychologist at Centro Sexológico EMAIZE (EMAIZE Sexology Centre) and Miren Lopez de Arregi Lakuntza, sexologist and social worker at Centro Sexológico EMAIZE.
The development of digital technology has resulted in a massive expansion of pornography unprecedented in human history. Even children who do not have mobile phones view pornographic material at a very early age before their erotic dimension and critical spirit have had time to develop, and often unwillingly (“unsolicited”).
In the absence of quality sex education, porn has become the instruction book, with all the dangers that entails: the most widespread forms of pornography objectify women, are based on sexist stereotypes, are violent, and exhibit normative bodies. This mainstream pornography is based on hegemonic masculinity: these men are aggressive, they take the initiative, set the rules..., as opposed to a complacent femininity that places women always at the disposal of male pleasure without the ability to desire. The men desire and are active subjects, while the women are desirable, passive subjects. Another effect that is already emerging is anxiety.
To address this issue, we need to provide comprehensive sex education, which is not only based on prevention but also helps to develop the erotic dimension of all people.
In general, this course aims to analyse how pornography is affecting the development of people’s collective erotic imaginary in order to know where and how to apply educational counterbalances to minimise this influence.
Other goals:
- Analyse the porno-erotic model.
- Reflect on how we are dealing with sex education regarding the erotic dimension of people.
- Provide tools to apply quality and, above all, comprehensive sex education that goes beyond risk prevention.
Leaflet available in Basque and Spanish.
First session. Vitoria-Gasteiz:
- Date: 16 and 23 April 2024
- Venue: Centro cívico El Campillo. c/ Santa Maria, 4 A
- Timetable: 09:00 to 14:00
- Language: Spanish
- Registration period: from 19 to 27 March
- Vacancies: 25 people
Second session. Bilbao:
- Date: 17 and 24 April 2024
- Venue: Basque Youth Observatory (OVJ). Huertas de la Villa, 11 – bajo
- Timetable: 09:00 to 14:00
- Language: Basque
- Registration period: from 19 to 27 March
- Vacancies: 20 people
Please note registration deadlines and the number of vacancies!
To register, please fill in the following FORM, which will be activated on 19 March.
Profile of participants: Priority will be given to people who work or cooperate with young people (in agencies, associations, public administrations, companies, educational centres, volunteers...) Registration order will also be taken into consideration
- Men and women dedicated to youth-related work (Youth Information, town councils, provincial councils and other entities)
- Educators
- Mentors at secondary schools