The BYO presents the report «Diagnosis of the youth of the Basque Country 2024»

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In this report, the Basque Youth Observatory offers a diagnosis of the situation of Basque youth in 2024. The main objective of this diagnosis is to deepen our knowledge of the different facets of the reality of young people living in the Basque Country. To this end, the report is structured into ten sections:

  •  Demographic context
  •  Education
  •  Employment and economic situation
  •  Emancipation and housing
  •  Health
  •  Leisure, culture and sport
  •  Basque language
  •  Values and attitudes
  •  Equality between men and women
  •  Assessment of the personal situation, that of young people in general and that of the Basque Country

Throughout those sections, a wide range of data is provided from official statistics or from the Basque Youth Observatory's own surveys. In all cases, the latest available data is provided, as the different statistics have different periodicities. Likewise, the evolution of these data over the last few years is provided, in order to know the past trend and to be able to foresee future situations.

It should be noted that, when talking about youth, reference is not always made to the same age group; in general, data is provided for people aged 15 to 29, but in some areas of analysis the reference group is different, either because of the subject matter or because the data source only offers this possibility.

Moreover, when data are available, the figures for the Basque Country are compared with those for the countries of the European Union.