Historical list of statistical data. Year 2017
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13 out of 100 young people living in the Basque Country are foreigners.December 18: International Migrants Day (pdf, 186 kb)
Wage earners under the age 35 would have to allocate two-thirds of their salary to pay the rent (pdf, 167 kb)
In the past fifteen years, fluency in the Basque language has increased twenty percentage points among young people (pdf, 122 kb)
December 1. World Aids Day (pdf, 113 kb)
In 2016, 1046 young women aged 15 to 29 were victims of gender violence in the Basque Country (pdf, 149 kb)
The unemployment rate among Basque youths aged 16 to 29 stood at 17.2% in the third quarter of 2017 (pdf, 120 kb)
Emancipated youth under the age of 30 mainly choose to rent (pdf, 118 kb)
The number of young people aged 15 to 29 going to the cinema has increased (pdf, 102 kb)
- The assessment young Basque make of their personal situation has improved (pdf, 102 kb)
The unemployment rate among Basque youths aged 16 to 29 was 15.9% in the second quarter of 2017 (pdf, 103 kb)
In Euskadi six out of ten young people aged 15 to 29 consider that they are better off than their parents were at the same age (pdf, 107 kb)
International Youth Day is celebrated on 12 August (pdf, 141 kb)
In the Basque Country, nine out of every ten young people are in favour of sex change and same sex marriages (pdf, 145 kb)
Seven out of ten young people in the Basque Country support granting aid and housing to refugees (pdf, 115 kb)
One in every three young people in the Basque Country has gone abroad to study, work, do research, or do volunteer work (pdf, 213 kb)
Environmentally friendly habits evolve positively among Basque young people (pdf, 267 kb)
Two out of every three young people want the Basque Country to become independent (pdf, 92 kb)
One out of every three women aged 15 to 29 is afraid to walk alone at night (pdf, 76 kb)
17th May: International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (pdf, 113 kb)
Almost half of young people in the Basque Country feel European (pdf, 122 kb)
393% of young people aged 16 to 29 were in work during the first quarter of 2017 (pdf, 160 kb)
In the last decade, the number of work-related accidents affecting young people in the Basque Country has fallen substantially (pdf, 112 kb)
6 April: World Day for Physical Activity (pdf, 101 kb)
One in five young people in the basque country belongs to a group that shares a private meeting venue (lonja) or youth locale (pdf, 465 kb)
Young women trust they will find a job to a greater extent than men of the same age (pdf, 199 kb)
The perception of the risk of becoming unemployed or of job instability among young working people is decreasing (pdf, 212 kb). Aurrera Begira. Youth expectation indicators
Rejection to the arrival of immigrants is falling among young people in the Basque Country (pdf, 105 kb)
82% of young people complain when they have an issue with a product or service (pdf, 103 kb)
The vast majority of Basque youth under the age of 30 have never considered self-employment (pdf, 384 kb)
February 22: Equal Pay Day between men and women (pdf, 313 kb)
- February 21, International Mother Language Day (pdf, 99 kb)
The population of young people in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country has fallen by 25% over the last 10 years (pdf, 140 kb)
- From the age of 17, most young people have sex (pdf, 114 kb)
Employment is rising among young people, but part-time employment is on the increase, especially among women (pdf, 124 kb)
Eight out of ten young people in the Basque Country under the age of 30 want to have children one day (pdf, 312 kb)
- The cost of accessing the housing market has fallen in the Basque Country. Gipuzkoa is still the most expensive province for young people (pdf, 147 kb)
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